I wanted to include some pictures of the boys at church, since it is such a big part of our lives. Of course, I only took a couple because I got busy and forgot! I will do more next week.
The boys in front of the cross we inherited when we merged with Santa Fe United Methodist Church.
We had Sunday School this morning- we are studying Noah. We started our discussion with a question: What is the worst possible thing that one human could do to another? It led into a great conversation about the 10 Commandments. Jer knew of the 10 Commandments, but did not know that we called them that. We are watching the new Noah movie and doing correlating discussions. So far, we are finding that the new Russell Crowe version is kind of weird! We have only watched about 20 minutes of it so far, and we are hoping it gets closer to the real Bible story. The fun part is that we had to refer to our Bibles a couple of times because we had questions: Was there a 3rd son named Seth? Were there really fallen angels? Is Noah really descended from Seth? I'm not telling you the answers to these intriguing questions because I want you to look it up for yourself! :) We are excited about the possibility of some other youth from St. Luke's joining us as well!